Cash Credit Loan

Please submit following details for getting Cash Credit Loan.

1. Current Trade License.
2. Professional Tax Enrollment.
3. Current Electric Bill (Own).
4. Current P. Tax Challan.
5. Rent Receipt/Municipal Tax Receipt.
6. Permanent Account No. (PAN).
7. GST details.
8. Sales Tax No.
9. Balance sheet,Manufacturing details and profit/loss details (privious 2 years).
10. S.S.I/N.S.I.C Certificate.
11. Pollution Control Certificate.
12. Current details of machinary and price of factory.
13. No. of present employee.
14. Details of order list.
15. Income Tax Clearence Certificate/Sales Tax Clearence.
16. Finished/Semifinished goods & Raw Materials.
17. Insurance of stocks.
18. Register Partnership Deeds.
19. Details and condition of property which would be under bank's custody.